Press releases – 2024

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60323 Frankfurt


Jun 7 2024

It's promising to be an all-nighter: Riedberg Campus opens its doors for the long night of science, featuring lectures, guided tours and hands-on experiments from dusk until dawn 

Goethe University’s annual “Night of Science” on June 21

FRANKFURT. On Friday, June 21, everything at Goethe University's Riedberg Campus will once again focus on the NIGHT OF SCIENCE. As every year, university students have put together an entire night dedicated to the natural sciences, and anyone interested can embark on a voyage of discovery from 5 p.m. until the early morning hours of the next day, and experience what the individual faculties have on offer. 

Researchers will be presenting the whole range of their respective subjects in more than 80 lectures lasting until dawn, covering everything from interesting insights in basic science to the latest scientific findings. Topics include scales that change the world, the hereditary molecule DNA, the link between physics and soccer, why disgust is important, poisons, Long Covid, climate change and much more. Some lectures will be in English.

Complementing the lectures is a colorful social program, including robot soccer and gliders. More than 30 initiatives and groups will be presenting themselves at dedicated booths, and guided tours will offer a look behind the scenes of scientific practice. For prospective students, these insights into Goethe University Frankfurt's natural science degree programs may be the deciding factor in choosing their field of study. Of course, there will also be plenty of refreshments and a steady supply of coffee.

The NIGHT OF SCIENCE will open on Friday evening with a lecture by Heidelberg nuclear and particle physicist Professor Johanna Stachel, who conducts research in the ALICE “Big Bang Project" at the CERN particle accelerator. 

The organizing team this year chose as their figurehead physicist Lise Meitner, who was the first to correctly interpret the results of her colleague Otto Hahn, recognizing that he had split atomic nuclei. Alas, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry awarded 80 years ago went solely to him.

Friday, June 21, 2024
5 p.m. to 5 a.m. 

Goethe University Frankfurt
Riedberg Campus

Otto-Stern-Zentrum, Ruth-Moufang-Str. 2
Geozentrum, Altenhöferallee 1
Physik/Biozentrum/Biologicum, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1-13
60438 Frankfurt

Program and further information: 

Editor: Dr. Markus Bernards, Science Editor, PR & Communication Office, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Tel: +49 (0) 69 798-12498, Fax: +49 (0) 69 798-763 12531, 


Jun 5 2024

Universities of Frankfurt and Marburg partner with Frankfurter Buchmesse

New joint Master’s degree on international literatures and book markets 

“International Literatures and Book Markets” is the subject area of the new practice-oriented Master's degree program that Goethe University Frankfurt and the University of Marburg will launch in the 2024/25 winter semester. A special feature: The third party to the degree is Frankfurt Book Fair, whose international partners underwrite the high quality of the program’s practical component. 

FRANKFURT. How is contemporary literature communicated both in the German book market and internationally? How do publishers work together with authors and translators? How are books marketed? What about the socio-political dimension of these literary practices? These and other topics are the subject of the new Master's degree “International Literatures and Book Markets”, which Goethe University Frankfurt and the University of Marburg have developed together with Frankfurter Buchmesse. The four-semester Master's course will be available for the first time in the 2024/25 winter semester and includes an internship of several months, either at Frankfurter Buchmesse or one of its global partners, whereby the focus is on Romance language-speaking countries.

Prerequisites for admission to the program are very good knowledge of a Romance language (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and/or Catalan) as well as an interest in literary conveyance in an international context. Students can add Scandinavian languages and Arabic through elective options – an offer that is to be expanded with English soon, too.  

Potential employers and employment sectors for graduates of the practice-oriented Master's are international book fairs, publishing houses, agencies, literary houses, the field of cultural journalism as well as research and teaching in Romance languages, literature and cultural studies.

Prof. Kati Hannken-Illjes, Vice President Education at University of Marburg, is delighted about the collaboration between two strong research universities and the internationally active Frankfurter Buchmesse: “This combination makes the Master's unique in Germany. In future, current research topics such as translations and the circulation of literature across national borders can be discussed together with players from professional practice.”

Prof. Viera Pirker, Goethe University Frankfurt’s Vice President Studies and Teaching, appreciates the new degree not only because of the intensive collaboration with the University of Marburg, but also because “the cooperation with the Book Fair will enable students to get involved in literature communication projects in urban areas at an early stage, offering a new and special connection between our university and the city of Frankfurt.” 

Juergen Boos, Director of Frankfurt Book Fair, welcomes the cooperation with the universities. “As Frankfurter Buchmesse, we are the central trading point for the international publishing industry, with activities spanning the globe. Knowledge of Romance languages is of great value in our teams. That's why I'm delighted that we as a company can help with the practical orientation of the Master's degree program that is about to start. I am certain that we will benefit greatly from the exchange with the students, their perspectives on the Frankfurt Book Fair, their language skills and their interest in the literatures of the world.” 

Further information
PD Dr. Frank Estelmann:
Prof. Dr. Christine Ott:
Institute for Romance Languages and Literatures
Goethe University Frankfurt 

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Winter:
Institute for Romance Languages
University of Marburg 

Editor: Pia Barth, Science Editor, PR & Communication Office, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt, Tel. +49 (0)69 798-12481, Fax +49 (0)69 798-763-12531, 


Jun 5 2024

An initiative with an exemplary character for both medical studies and urban society celebrates its ten-year anniversary 

Student Polyclinic: 10 years and counting

On June 3, Goethe University Frankfurt's Student Polyclinic, part of the Frankfurt Health Department, marked its tenth anniversary. Among the multiple benefits and services offered by the clinic are consultation hours for people without health insurance, which the students carry out under the supervision of experienced doctors.   

FRANKFURT. As a student, he would have enjoyed this elective subject, says Prof. Robert Sader. “During my studies, some 40 years ago, medical teaching was extremely theoretical.  The first and only time we came into any real contact with patients was in the practical year,” recalls the director of Goethe University’s Center for Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine on the occasion of the polyclinic’s 10-year anniversary. The idea to involve the Faculty of Medicine in the care of those in need goes back to Frankfurt anatomist Prof. Helmut Wicht. Then dean of studies, Sader adopted the idea and further developed it together with students. Having successfully overcome a number of hurdles – also thanks to the help of the Frankfurt Health Department – the Student Polyclinic opened its doors on June 17, 2014; at the time, it was the first service of its kind in Germany. Since then, countless patients have been treated here. Students are also greatly interested in the initiative, which received the Hessian University Prize for Excellence in Teaching in 2017, endowed with 60,000 euros. 

To Elke Voitl, Frankfurt municipality's head of social affairs and health, the initiative is part of a tradition that dates back to famous Frankfurt doctor and founder Johann Christian Senckenberg. “Until today, anyone without health insurance in Germany is only entitled to medical help in absolutely acute emergencies. That is a problem. We urgently need free basic healthcare for every member of our society. Health is an essential prerequisite for being part of a society, it is the basis for a good life. Making this basic service available to all also strengthens the community. Otherwise, divisions will continue to grow and social upheaval and tensions will increase inexorably,” Voitl cautions. Referring to the clinic by its nickname, she continues: “StuPoli provides a key impetus here, not least since it perfectly complements the humanitarian consultation hour offered by our municipal health department. The fact that both services have grown over the years and demand remains great confirms our political approach and shows that we are on the right track,” she adds.

“Goethe University’s Executive Board warmly congratulates the Student Polyclinic on its tenth anniversary. StuPoli is a particularly good example of how science can deliver a direct contribution to society – something we as a university have always had in our DNA. The service benefits our fellow Frankfurt residents in need, while the students involved in StuPoli gain not only practical know-how, but – perhaps even more importantly – experience a sense of great purpose. We are proud of this all-round successful project,” says Prof. Viera Pirker, Goethe University Vice President Studies and Teaching. 

“Contact with patients with no fixed abode and no health insurance, whose problems are not at the focus of German society, constitutes a professional challenge for our aspiring medical doctors. This experience encourages them to reflect on their own role, behavior and commitment. Compared to their regular studies, these young people gain an entirely new perspective on their future work, significantly expanding their experience and communication skills,” explains Prof. Miriam Rüsseler, dean of studies at the Faculty of Medicine. 

“The wide range of experiences they are exposed to at the clinic enriches the doctors’ work,” says Dr. Peter Tinnemann, head of Frankfurt’s Health Department. “The fact that students already gain many different practical experiences during their medical studies is a benefit for the people of Frankfurt, for the patients and, of course, for the students. Thank you very much for ten years of StuPoli – a truly remarkable project.” 

Recalling the clinic’s planning phase, Dr. Dr. Lukas Seifert, one of its student initiators, says nothing comparable existed in Europe at the time, adding that American student-run free clinics served as a model. To learn more about the process and the organizational model, a student delegation traveled to Harvard, among other places, he says, adding that based on this information and as part of a doctoral thesis, he then developed the concept for the elective course module in Frankfurt. There were two major obstacles in particular that stood in the way of implementing StuPoli, Prof. Sader explains. The first one, linked to insurance law, was solved by accrediting the health department as an academic teaching institution of the university, developing the clinical elective course around StuPoli, and implementing it as part of the degree. The health department also proved essential to solving the second problem, related to finding suitable premises, by helping out provisionally with rooms. This temporary solution meanwhile has become a permanent one, proving its worth. 

Dr. Petra Tiarks-Jungk has served as a StuPoli medical supervisor from the very beginning. She ran the humanitarian consultation hour and gave the first cohort of StuPoli students the opportunity to work there. Her initial skepticism about the quality of the students' medical knowledge quickly evaporated, she says, adding that she was “absolutely overwhelmed” by their commitment and expertise. That is why she was happy to support StuPoli as a medical supervisor, and continues to do so today, even after retirement. 

The students do not meet patients unprepared, and are only allowed to commence practical work at StuPoli after completing one semester and passing a medical examination course as well as case seminars; and even then they are always accompanied by a “senior” and work under medical supervision. The Student Polyclinic's consultation hours are Tuesdays from 5 to 7 pm and Wednesdays from 6 to 8 pm. Two teams of two students – one junior and one senior – examine the patients, take a medical history, draw blood samples or perform an ultrasound. While they often deal with acute ailments, they also encounter chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Sader reports that quite a few StuPoli volunteers later decide to work in a GP practice. “My work in StuPoli has strengthened my interest in general practice,” confirms medical student Petra Sporerova from the current StuPoli team. “It's very rewarding to be able to help patients, their gratitude knows no bounds.” 

Image for download:

Caption: Working together at the student polyclinic (from left): Marius Moniak, Celina Steinwald, Antonia Kerner, Dr. Petra Tiarks-Jungk, Rebekka Roberts, Ramona Brinkmann and Felix Luft. (Photo: Frankfurt Health Department) 

Further information
Petra Sporerova
Goethe University Frankfurt Student Polyclinic 
Tel.: +49 (0)69 212-31560 

Editor: Dr. Anke Sauter, Science Editor, PR & Communication Office, Tel: +49 (0)69 798-13066, Fax: +49 (0) 69 798-763 12531, 


May 31 2024

Rome, Brussels, Frankfurt: Goethe University’s Economics and Business Faculty introduces international Bachelor's degree at three universities 

Living and learning in three countries 

Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management, Rome-based Luiss University and Goethe University Frankfurt already operate a joint Master's degree program. In the upcoming 2024/25 winter semester, the three partners will launch a joint European Triple Bachelor in Economics and Business (EUTribe). The application process for Goethe University's first Triple Bachelor will get underway then. 

FRANKFURT. A new Bachelor's degree program offered by Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management, Luiss University and Goethe University Frankfurt's Economics and Business Faculty will allow participants to not only study at three locations, but also obtain a degree from the three participating institutions. This first Bachelor program with three degrees will be available at Goethe University for the first time starting in the upcoming 2024/25 winter semester. 

Spanning three years, participants in the European Triple Bachelor in Economics and Business (EUTribe) will spend one year each in Frankfurt, Brussels and Rome and familiarize themselves with different university cultures, teaching and learning methods in their three host European countries. For the initial start, 10 students will join per location. 

Anyone interested in the Triple Study Program must first apply to study economics at Goethe University Frankfurt in the 2024/25 winter semester. Once enrolled, first-semester students have until February 1, 2025, to apply to the faculty to continue their studies as a Triple Bachelor. 

In addition to very good academic grades, B2 level English language skills are required for admission to the international business degree program. All relevant courses are available in English in Brussels and Rome, and there exist offer excellent opportunities to learn Italian or French. The program is supported by ERASMUS+ scholarships. 

The close collaboration between the three universities dates back to the 2012 establishment of the joint QTEM (Quantitative Techniques for Economics & Management Masters Network) program, as part of which they offer student exchanges within the framework of a quantitatively oriented Master's program – not only with each other, but as part of a global network spanning 20 other universities. The initiative to offer international training at Bachelor's level emerged in response to QTEM's success. 

“EUTribe is a unique educational experience for students interested in economics: They study in a culturally diverse environment, live and learn in three countries, get to experience different institutional frameworks and are educated at three first-class European universities," says Luiss University Rector Andrea Prencipe. 

“Our international students not only have direct access to the respective labor markets in Italy, Belgium and Germany. Successful completion of the program also opens up great opportunities for them in other fields of work," adds Christian Schlag, Dean of Goethe University Frankfurt's Faculty of Economics and Business. 

“We plan to make the specializations of each individual institution accessible to the participants in the exchange, allowing them to tailor to their own interests," adds Bruno Van Pottelsberghe, Dean of Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management. 

Further information
Lars O. Pilz
Dean's Research Associate Studies
Faculty of Economics and Business 
Goethe University Frankfurt
Tel. +49 (069) 798-34608

Editor: Pia Barth, Science Editor, PR & Communication Office, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt, Tel. +49 (0)69 798-12481, Fax +49 (0)69 798-763-12531,


May 29 2024

Construction work on Westend Campus-based future Center for Humanities officially gets underway 

A showcase for Goethe University Frankfurt

Goethe University Frankfurt’s Westend Campus is set to receive yet another impressive building, with the official groundbreaking ceremony for the new Center for Humanities held on May 28, 2024. Once complete, the building will house 180 office workstations, three seminar rooms, a rehearsal stage and an exhibition space.  

FRANKFURT. Another building will be constructed on Goethe University’s Westend Campus over the course of the next two years. The new Center for Humanities will be prominently located on the corner of Miquelallee and Hansallee, and will dominate the campus’ appearance from afar. Its immediate neighbors are the Linguistics, Cultures and Arts building, completed in 2022, and the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF). 

“The Center for Humanities will become an easily recognizable prominent entrance feature of our Westend Campus. Designed by Goethe University’s own in-house architects, the building’s aesthetics will convey from afar how much life and creativity can be found on this campus,” says Goethe University President Prof. Enrico Schleiff. “The building’s current name already illustrates Goethe University's fundamental conviction that it takes strong research in the humanities and social sciences to sustainably shape tomorrow’s society.”  In addition to office and seminar space, the building will also house a rehearsal stage for theater, film and media studies. It will be available for usage by all Goethe University Frankfurt faculties. 

The Center for Humanities is the first construction project entirely planned and financed by Goethe University itself. The building’s external dimensions, known among architects as its “cubature”, were set during the spatial planning of the adjacent DIPF, the contract for which was awarded during a competition, explains Goethe University architect Esref Yavuz, adding that during the coronavirus pandemic, he built a model that takes very different usage needs into account. To ensure it fits in with the two neighboring buildings, he based the center’s floor heights on those of DIPF.

The original plan called for a purely administrative building, but discussions with future users showed that the third-party funded projects from the Faculty of Linguistics, Cultures and Arts, as well as that of Modern Languages, both of which currently still reside in Mensa II on the university’s Bockenheim Campus, require additional seminar rooms. In addition, a functional rehearsal stage for the theater scholars was also urgently needed. The new building will meet all these needs, boosting interdisciplinary research, including with Goethe University Frankfurt’s partners in the Frankfurt Alliance and the Rhine-Main Universities (RMU) alliance. 

The plans by architect Yavuz call for ground-level entrances located in the building’s east and west, leading into its spacious two-story glazed foyer, from which all other floors can be accessed. Although it is located in the basement, the rehearsal stage extends over two floors. The four seminar rooms, which all faculties may use, are located on the ground- and first floor, which also house study areas for students. The building’s second to fifth floors are reserved for office use and will primarily house third-party funded projects.

Excavation work began in March 2024, ahead of the groundbreaking ceremony. The building, whose construction costs are estimated at around €20 million and for which architectural firm ArGe Architekten has been brought on board, is due to be completed in 2026. Managing the project for Goethe University Frankfurt is Stephanie Köhler-Frank, architect in the planning and construction department.

Speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony, Christoph Degen, state secretary in the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts, said: “The Center for Humanities brings together research, teaching and culture, offering space for cutting-edge science as well as for students of theater, film and media studies. This will further advance Goethe University’s relocation, which the Hessian state government has already supported with over one billion euros from its HEUREKA university construction investment program. I wish everyone involved the utmost success in planning and implementing this great project.” 

Image for download:

Caption: The new Center for Humanities is being constructed on the corner of Miquelallee and Hansallee. (Illustration: ArGe Architekten)

Further information
Vanessa Fuchs
Assistant Planning and Building Department, Goethe University Frankfurt
Tel.: +49 (0)69 798-13828

Editor: Dr. Anke Sauter, Science Editor, PR & Communication Office, Tel: +49 (0)69 798-13066, Fax: +49 (0) 69 798-763 12531,